Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Elders Quorum

So Jeff has a new calling in church he is the first counselor in the Elders quorum. He has officially been in for a little over 3 weeks and has already helped move someone out of the ward and just got news that he needs to help someone move in this Friday. Now I know how great of a calling this is for him and our Family and I know that it means sacrifice and maybe it's my hormones or the fact that I NEVER see him with work and school already but it makes me sad that not only do I spend the majority of my week alone but now my weekends are being consumed. Now I know we receive blessings from service and would never want him to turn down the opportunity but come on!!! Like I said... hormones! I just miss having him around and had to vent for just a few. when it comes down to it it's not the church it's the school, I am SO over him being in school no wonder why I never got married while I was in school! Seriously I'm done now but...
I'll leave you with a sneak peek of the baby's room:

P.s. I really am so so so proud of Jeff for all that he is doing. He works so hard at work to get his store up then works twice as hard at school and does homework nonstop. I know he is tired so many nights but honestly the man doesn't complain. I tell ya, he's a stud! I won't lie either I'm excited for his new calling it will give us a real chance to get to know people in the ward. Right after we got there they stuck us in Primary and people still ask me if I'm new in the ward, sad huh?! It will be fun to be more involved and have people know us! Like I said just needed to vent and now I feel guilty for being frustrated, but that's life and I know it could be so much worse! I am truly truly blessed!


Holly said...

Go with him to help. Yes I know you can't do much but atleast you see him. You also get to meet the new family. Take advatange of it being just the two of you and not dragging the kids along to someones house.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I'm alone all the time - too bad we didn't live closer - we could do EVERYTHING together!