Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I know I need to post about my vacation but i'm waiting on pictures to do so! Today was just as exciting though... Jeff and I went and had the anatomy scan done and right off the bat our little one was showing off the goods!
I was a little nervous because while we were on our cruise I had a bleeding episode. Knowing there was nothing that could be done on the medical stand point I got a blessing from Jeff and my Brother. I knew I would need something to get me through the rest of the trip without stressing too much about it and it was wonderful! That night was the first time I felt a real kick and every day after that I have had those reassuring kicks. I just know this kid has some long legs and lets face it, we saw today the feet are pretty big too!
 If the picture isn't obvious we will be welcoming a little BOY come January! We are so excited. Jeff is already talking about sports for him and keeping up with the crazy name suggestions.

We are so excited to start shopping and getting all the little boy things picked out! I think Jeff will love picking stuff out and that makes me excited knowing he will enjoy it! He'll be such a great Dad, he already is!


Nicole DeMille said...

Congrats!!! Boys are so much fun especially for your first.

Sarah said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for you!