Stats at 9 Months:
Weight: 19lb 10 oz 35th %
Height: 29 1/4 81% ( I actually think he is closer to 29 1/2 he moved when they were marking)
Head: 46 cm. 70%
At nine months he:
crawls EVERYWHERE (first real moment of crawling was Sept. 4th)
Still only has his bottom two teeth
Will let go and stand on his own
walks around the furniture
walks with you holding his hands (this is new this last week)
Still uses his hands and feet to grab things
Likes to take everything off the table and throw it on the floor
smiles and flaps his arms when he sees us after it's been a while (like when Jeff comes home from work or after a nap)
still crosses his feet when he is in "chill" mode
Is starting to get shy and will bury his head in your shoulder or chest while giving a shy smile (one of my favorite things right now)
He gives high fives
He gives kisses, although a little more stingy on those!
Still LOVES the dog
It likes to talk and bang his hands on the table
It seems like every day there is something new to add. He is picking up on everything so quick! We sure love this kid and couldn't imagine life without him!
I hope you always know how much your Dad and I love you. You have changed our lives in ways we never thought possible. We Celebrated our 2 year anniversary and while we were at the Temple Dad and I were talking about you and how much we enjoy being your parents, and how we couldn't imagine being at this point in our lives without you. I can't tell you enough how much I love you! Watching you learn and grow is an amazing experience. I try and let your explore and get into things as much as possible and even when you get into the mail and scatter it from wall to wall all I can do is look at you and laugh. I'm so grateful you're an innocent little boy and that right now I can shelter you from the harsh realities of the world. Things are rough at this time in your life and although we may lose someone very near and dear to us sometime soon I will cherish the short time you got with her. Your Great Grandma Coache is an amazing person and I promise to tell you all about her when you are older! Thank you for helping so many of us get though these tough times, you keep me going on days I just don't want to. I love you very much little monster!
1 comment:
OH that face!!! He is just so stinkin adorable! John and I both agreed that 9 months and on was our favorite, its so fun to watch them learn so much so quickly! I'm sorry to hear about ur grandma :( I'm just piecing together that she must be the one with cancer? If so my thoughts and prayers are with you and ur family- that really is awful. Let me know if you guys are ever down and want to play :)
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